====== Xzaa Enhancements ====== Version 1, level 17 * Halfling Dexterity I/II * Halfling Cunning I/II/III * Halfling Guile I/II * Halfling Luck Fortitude I * Halfling Luck Reflex I * Halfling Luck Will I * Way of the Clever Monkey I/II/III/IV * Fists of Iron * Monk Improved Recovery I/II/III * Void Strike I/II * Adept of Wind * Master of Thunder * Adept of Rock * Master of Stone * Adept of Flame * Adept of Rain * Racial Toughness I/II * Monk Wisdom I/II Shintao monk + raise dead level 18 * Halfling Dexterity I * Halfling Cunning I/II * Halfling Guile I * Halfling Luck Fortitude I * Halfling Luck Reflex I * Halfling Luck Will I * Lifting the Veil * Way of the Clever Monkey I/II/III/IV * The Receptive Earth * Restoring the Balance * Monk Improved Recovery I/II/III * Shintao Monk I/II/III * Rise of the Phoenix * Void Strike I * Difficulty at the Beginning * Adept of Wind * Master of Thunder * Adept of Rock * Racial Toughness I/II * Monk Wisdom I/II Level 18: * Halfling Luck Fortitude I * Halfling Luck Reflex I * Monk Wisdom I * Way of the Clever Monkey I * Void Strike I * Halfling Dexterity I * Lifting the Veil * The Receptive Earth * Monk Improved Recovery I * Restoring the Balance * Shintao Monk I * Difficulty at the Beginning * Adept of Wind * Monk Wisdom II * Rise of the Phoenix * Racial Toughness I * Racial Toughness II * Monk Improved Recovery II * Monk Improved Recovery III * Way of the Clever Monkey II * Way of the Clever Monkey III * Shintao Monk II * Master of Thunder * Way of the Clever Monkey IV * Halfling Luck Will I * Halfling Cunning I * Halfling Cunning II * Halfling Guile I * Grandmaster of Storms * Shintao Monk III * Halfling Guile II Level 20: * Halfling Luck Fortitude I * Halfling Luck Reflex I * Monk Wisdom I * Way of the Clever Monkey I * Void Strike I * Halfling Dexterity I * Lifting the Veil * The Receptive Earth * Monk Improved Recovery I * Restoring the Balance * Shintao Monk I * Difficulty at the Beginning * Adept of Wind * Monk Wisdom II * Rise of the Phoenix * Racial Toughness I * Racial Toughness II * Monk Improved Recovery II * Halfling Dexterity II * Way of the Clever Monkey II * Way of the Clever Monkey III * Shintao Monk II * Master of Thunder * Way of the Clever Monkey IV * Halfling Luck Will I * Halfling Cunning I * Halfling Cunning II * Halfling Guile I * Halfling Guile II * Grandmaster of Storms * Shintao Monk III * Monk Wisdom III * Monk Serenity * Ten Thousand Stars * Halfling Fear Resistance I Level 20 before TR 2: 317 HP 300 KI * Monk Serenity * Halfling Dexterity I/II * Halfling Fear Resistance I * Halfling Cunning I/II * Halfling Guile I/II * Halfling Luck Fortitude I * Halfling Luck Reflex I * Halfling Luck Will I * Lifting The Vail * Ten Thousand Stars * Way of the Clever Monkey I/II/III/IV * The Receptive Earth * Restoring the Balance * Monk Improved Recovery I/II * Shintao Monk I/II/III * Void Strike I * Rise of the Phoenix * Difficulty at the Beginning * Adept of Wind * Grandmaster of Stroms * Master of Thunder * Racial Toughness I/II * Monk Wisdom I/II/III Level 20 before after TR 2 kiltabuffien kanssa (icy, minos, Innocent, Verik):\\ Wind stance: 357 HP 310 KI 63 AC (437 HP 310 KI 67 AC)\\ Ocean stance: 377 HP 320 KI 66 AC (457 HP 320 KI 70 AC + 5 Combat expertice = max 75 AC)\\ Earth stance: 397 HP 310 KI 62 AC (477 HP 310 KI 66 AC) * Monk Serenity * Halfling Dexterity I * Halfling Cunning I * Halfling Luck Fortitude I * Halfling Luck Reflex I * Halfling Luck Will I * Lifting The Vail * Ten Thousand Stars * Way of the Patient Tortoise I/II * The Receptive Earth * Restoring the Balance * Monk Improved Recovery I/II/III * Shintao Monk I/II/III * Void Strike I * Rise of the Phoenix * Difficulty at the Beginning * Adept of Wind/Master of Thunder/Grandmaster of Stroms * Adept of Rock * Adept of Rain/Master of Seas/Grandmaster of Oceans * Racial Toughness I/II * Monk Wisdom I/II/III