====== Statit ennen TR:ää ====== [32 point: 13 STR, 16 DEX, 15 CON, 8 INT, 16 WIS, 8 CHA] [32 point: 12 STR, 16 DEX, 14 CON, 12 INT, 16 WIS, 8 CHA] * STR 12 base, +2 inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted bonus = 20 * DEX 16 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +1 Feat bonus, +6 Enchanted Bonus = 25 + 3 stance = 29 +1 guild = 30 * CON 14 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted bonus = 22 * INT 12 base, +2 Inherent bonus = 14 * WIS 16 base, +5 Level, +2 Inherent bonus, +3 Feat bonus = 26 * CHA 8 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted Bonus = 16 ====== Uudet statit ====== [34 point: 12 STR, 16 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 18 WIS, 8 CHA] * STR 12 base, +2 inherent bonus, +7 Enchanted bonus = 21 +1 guild = 22 * DEX 16 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +2 Feat bonus, +7 Enchanted Bonus = 27 + 4 stance = 31 +1 guild = 32 * CON 14 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted bonus = 22 -2 stance = 20 * INT 8 base, +2 Inherent bonus = 10 * WIS 18 base, +5 Level, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted bonus +3 Feat bonus = 34 * CHA 8 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted Bonus = 16 [36 point: 12 STR, 16 DEX, 14 CON, 13 INT, 17 WIS, 8 CHA] * STR 12 base, +2 inherent bonus, +7 Enchanted bonus = 21 + 1 guild = 22 * DEX 16 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +2 Feat bonus, +7 Enchanted Bonus = 27 + 4 stance = 31 +1 guild = 32 * CON 14 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted bonus = 22 -2 stance = 20 * INT 13 base, +1 Inherent bonus = 14 * WIS 17 base, +5 Level, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted Bonus, +2 Feat bonus = 32 (tai +3 Feat bonus ja +1 guild = 34) * CHA 8 base, +2 Inherent bonus, +6 Enchanted Bonus = 16 ====== Feats ====== 1 Two weapon fighting\\ 1 (monk) Toughness\\ 2 (monk) Weapon Finesse\\ 3 (monk) Path of Harmonous Balance\\ 3 Past Life: Monk\\ 6 Power Attack\\ 6 (monk) Stunning Fist\\ 9 Improved Two Weapon Fighting (requires +1 dex tome)\\ 12 Improved Critical: Bludgeoning\\ 15 Greater Two Weapon Fighting\\ 18 Dodge\\ Tarvitsen combat expertisen shintao monkia varten eli: 1 Two weapon fighting\\ 1 (monk) Toughness\\ 2 (monk) Weapon Finesse\\ 3 (monk) Path of Harmonous Balance\\ 3 Past Life: Monk\\ 6 Power Attack\\ 6 (monk) Stunning Fist\\ 9 Combat Expertice\\ 12 Improved Two Weapon Fighting (requires +1 dex tome)\\ 15 Improved Critical: Bludgeoning\\ 18 Greater Two Weapon Fighting\\ Bah ei voi ottaa Combat experticeä, koska se vaatii int 13. Uusi yritys: Tarvitsen cleave/combat expertise/diehard/discipline/luck of heroes/precision/resilience/self sufficent shintao monkia varten eli: 1 Two weapon fighting\\ 1 (monk) Toughness\\ 2 (monk) Weapon Finesse\\ 3 (monk) Path of Harmonous Balance\\ 3 Past Life: Monk\\ 6 Power Attack\\ 6 (monk) Stunning Fist\\ 9 Luck of Heroes\\ 12 Improved Two Weapon Fighting (requires +1 dex tome)\\ 15 Improved Critical: Bludgeoning\\ 18 Greater Two Weapon Fighting\\