Version 1, level 17
Halfling Dexterity I/II
Halfling Cunning I/II/III
Halfling Guile I/II
Halfling Luck Fortitude I
Halfling Luck Reflex I
Halfling Luck Will I
Way of the Clever Monkey I/II/III/IV
Fists of Iron
Monk Improved Recovery I/II/III
Void Strike I/II
Adept of Wind
Master of Thunder
Adept of Rock
Master of Stone
Adept of Flame
Adept of Rain
Racial Toughness I/II
Monk Wisdom I/II
Shintao monk + raise dead level 18
Halfling Dexterity I
Halfling Cunning I/II
Halfling Guile I
Halfling Luck Fortitude I
Halfling Luck Reflex I
Halfling Luck Will I
Lifting the Veil
Way of the Clever Monkey I/II/III/IV
The Receptive Earth
Restoring the Balance
Monk Improved Recovery I/II/III
Shintao Monk I/II/III
Rise of the Phoenix
Void Strike I
Difficulty at the Beginning
Adept of Wind
Master of Thunder
Adept of Rock
Racial Toughness I/II
Monk Wisdom I/II
Level 18:
Halfling Luck Fortitude I
Halfling Luck Reflex I
Monk Wisdom I
Way of the Clever Monkey I
Void Strike I
Halfling Dexterity I
Lifting the Veil
The Receptive Earth
Monk Improved Recovery I
Restoring the Balance
Shintao Monk I
Difficulty at the Beginning
Adept of Wind
Monk Wisdom II
Rise of the Phoenix
Racial Toughness I
Racial Toughness II
Monk Improved Recovery II
Monk Improved Recovery III
Way of the Clever Monkey II
Way of the Clever Monkey III
Shintao Monk II
Master of Thunder
Way of the Clever Monkey IV
Halfling Luck Will I
Halfling Cunning I
Halfling Cunning II
Halfling Guile I
Grandmaster of Storms
Shintao Monk III
Halfling Guile II
Level 20:
Halfling Luck Fortitude I
Halfling Luck Reflex I
Monk Wisdom I
Way of the Clever Monkey I
Void Strike I
Halfling Dexterity I
Lifting the Veil
The Receptive Earth
Monk Improved Recovery I
Restoring the Balance
Shintao Monk I
Difficulty at the Beginning
Adept of Wind
Monk Wisdom II
Rise of the Phoenix
Racial Toughness I
Racial Toughness II
Monk Improved Recovery II
Halfling Dexterity II
Way of the Clever Monkey II
Way of the Clever Monkey III
Shintao Monk II
Master of Thunder
Way of the Clever Monkey IV
Halfling Luck Will I
Halfling Cunning I
Halfling Cunning II
Halfling Guile I
Halfling Guile II
Grandmaster of Storms
Shintao Monk III
Monk Wisdom III
Monk Serenity
Ten Thousand Stars
Halfling Fear Resistance I
Level 20 before TR 2: 317 HP 300 KI
Monk Serenity
Halfling Dexterity I/II
Halfling Fear Resistance I
Halfling Cunning I/II
Halfling Guile I/II
Halfling Luck Fortitude I
Halfling Luck Reflex I
Halfling Luck Will I
Lifting The Vail
Ten Thousand Stars
Way of the Clever Monkey I/II/III/IV
The Receptive Earth
Restoring the Balance
Monk Improved Recovery I/II
Shintao Monk I/II/III
Void Strike I
Rise of the Phoenix
Difficulty at the Beginning
Adept of Wind
Grandmaster of Stroms
Master of Thunder
Racial Toughness I/II
Monk Wisdom I/II/III
Level 20 before after TR 2 kiltabuffien kanssa (icy, minos, Innocent, Verik):
Wind stance: 357 HP 310 KI 63 AC (437 HP 310 KI 67 AC)
Ocean stance: 377 HP 320 KI 66 AC (457 HP 320 KI 70 AC + 5 Combat expertice = max 75 AC)
Earth stance: 397 HP 310 KI 62 AC (477 HP 310 KI 66 AC)
Monk Serenity
Halfling Dexterity I
Halfling Cunning I
Halfling Luck Fortitude I
Halfling Luck Reflex I
Halfling Luck Will I
Lifting The Vail
Ten Thousand Stars
Way of the Patient Tortoise I/II
The Receptive Earth
Restoring the Balance
Monk Improved Recovery I/II/III
Shintao Monk I/II/III
Void Strike I
Rise of the Phoenix
Difficulty at the Beginning
Adept of Wind/Master of Thunder/Grandmaster of Stroms
Adept of Rock
Adept of Rain/Master of Seas/Grandmaster of Oceans
Racial Toughness I/II
Monk Wisdom I/II/III